Wednesday, November 24, 2004

No Honor!

In most of my Software Engineering courses this time in the semester is devoted to Human Computer Interaction.  I mentioned in class this site that discusses poorly designed web pages.  Vincent Flanders hands out a daily award for really bad web sites and he is usually on the mark and he has been doing this since 1996.

Another source for web site critiques and advice is the book by Jakob Nielsen, Designing Web Usability: The practice of simplicity, New Riders Publishing, 2000, isbn:156205810X. 

Don Norman's books are always worthwhile and great reads.  Check out his web site here.    Note the web site url,  Those that have taken my courses should know what the abbreviation means, for those of you that do not it refers to just noticable differences.  Later!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Search Hints 2

PJM Interconnection, a utilities company (electric power) outside of Philadelphia is looking for software folks.   They are located at this web site.  I will continue to alert you to companies I know are hiring.  Soon there will be a web page associated with my homepage where you can browse the most recent entries.  (I realize that blog entries aren't the most efficient way to alert you of openings.)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

European Vacation

No, not the National Lampoon movie!  This post is a vacation from the predominant way developers view Object Oriented design and development, that is, not only as a design methodology but also as a vehicle for reuse.  After a slow start in generating reusable artifacts, the patterns movement has certainly provided a great deal of success in reuse and has greatly influenced, if not dominated,  the teaching of Object Oriented design and development.

In the European School of programming, also known as the Scandinavian School of programming design and development is considered to be modeling and simulating a real or imaginary part of the world through objects and classes. The focus was on developing this model, not on reuse.  You can find a description of the thought behind it hereKristen Nygaard is considered to be the founder of the Scandinavian School of programming.  His site is fascinating and it is particularly interesting how during his life he combined his work in Object Oriented research and computer science (which he preferred to call Informatics) with his interest in social issues.  An example of this unique combination can be found in this paper by Nygaard.

Nygaard along with Ole-Johan Dahl developed the first family of OO languages, Simula.  For those of you who are programming language mavens, beta is a more recent effort. 

There is much more to say about Nygaard, Dahl and the entire Scandinavian school of programming.  In fact I am considering it as a potential book (or at least long paper) project.  This will not be the last post on the school in this blog.  If you have other links, papers or experience with the Scandinavian/European school of Object Oriented programming and design, share them in a comment.  Later!