Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Mentalists need not apply

Satish Moorthy from Penn has recommended a great article by Karl Weigers, titled, "When telepathy won't do: Requirements engineering key practices."  You can access it here.  Although written specifically for folks using Object Oriented methodology, any project can benefit from it.  As an added bonus, Karl mentions some of the more popular requirements management tools.  Definitely worth a read.

Since Barry Boehm has remarked that as much as 40% of the requirements of the final product go unstated in the requirements specification, the more wisdom on this topic the better.  Thanks Satish.

Hopefully October will be a more active month for this blog than September, actually it already is since one is better than none!  I have a fairly large queue of potential entries and hope to make progress on the backlog this month so stay tuned.  Later.

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