Tuesday, June 7, 2005


Julia Ryan has suggested another blog entry on source code management.  What tools do you use to manage source code and are these tools capable of providing statistics on the evolution of the source code?  If so, what sort of metrics do you typically collect and at what level (class, module, file or project)?  For example can your tool report the changed lines of source code and, if it can do you use that metric?  What other metrics do you use?

Generally we use CVS, but I am converting to Subversion, which seems a bit more straightforward.  To quote from the Subversion web site:

Subversion is meant to be a better CVS, so it has most of CVS's features.  Generally, Subversion's interface to a particular feature is similar to CVS's, except where there's a compelling reason to do otherwise.

I will report later this summer on my opinions of Subversion.  Of course if any of you have used these tools (or others), I would appreciate your comments.  Later.

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